PRESENT: Jim Murray ,Dave Dennis, Ted Spence, Sharon Brickman (Crystal Lake alternate) , Sandy Kilgour, Lorrie Saville, Roger Young, Barbara Reid & Tammy Rea (Gull Lake alternates), Hugh Spence, Graham Parkinson, Chris Riddle, Norma Goodger, Stephen Foster, Paul MacInnes, Doug Palmer, Larry Holden, Don Benson, John Anderson, Chris Whittemore, Jim Waddell, Bob Helwig, Roger Cunningham, Bill Cornfield, Bonnie Fleischaker. GUESTS: Ruth Benson, Leonora Mariner,Mr. & Mrs. Ambler (Kawartha Lakes), Jeff Gardner. PRESS: County Voice and I believe a reporter from Minden Times.
All our member lake associations were represented with the exception of Contau, Drag, Fortescue., Halls/Hawks, Koshlong and Percy.
1) Remarks from the Chair & Introduction of Advisory Committee – attached
2) Carole Russell, the CEWF was unable to attend but sent a message to say that there is currently a bank balance of just over $10,000. Details upon request.
3) TSW Forecasted Water Level Postings – Chris explained how to read the document which the TSW is sending the CEWF weekly. He is forwarding the document to members as soon as he gets it and it will also be posted on the CEWF link at TSW is providing this service temporarily until their own website is up and running which is anticipated to be prior to next season. Questions from the floor: Can we obtain lake level documentation for past years from the TSW? Chris responded that it is available upon request. CHRIS WILL ASK FOR THE 20 YEAR CHART FROM DAVE NESS AND FORWARD IT TO OUR MEMBERS. 2nd question: Can the CEWF develop a formula like Kennisis for use of the CEWF membership? Will be discussed at the Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, Sept. 11th and advise accordingly
4) Bonnie’s report on the campaign for implementation of an independent water management agency and adequate funding to the TSW is attached. She stressed that it is important to spread the word and get people writing letters to both provincial and federal elected representatives. The more letters these people get, the more apt they are to become familiar with the Panel’s report, It’s All About the Water and the more likely that legislation will be introduced in the House of Commons and the Legislature. Addresses to pertinent Members of Parliament and Members of the Provincial Legislature are available on the CEWF link at the Environment Haliburton site noted in (3) above. Questions from the floor: How can we engage people who are impacted by the operation of the TSW but do not live on RAFT lakes? The Advisory Committee will discuss this on the 11th of Sept. as well and we ask you to send suggestions to the email address. 2nd Question: Can the Advisory Committee develop examples of impacts, improvements needed and how much they will cost? We will try.
5) CEWF Website: Roger Cunningham reported on behalf of Martin Rist. We will continue to use our link until we have our own site online. Martin is currently working of this and it is hoped to be up and running in the next couple of months. He is investigating various ways of setting up the website for a reasonable cost. The CEWF link on the Environment Haliburton site will redirect you to the new site when it is available.
6) Federal Election: Roger Young talked briefly on how be most effective at getting the attention of the candidates in the Federal Election. He emphasized the need to get as many people as possible to write letters to every candidate and to attend the all candidates meetings throughout your local area. It is imperative we inform the candidates in the GTA. ACTION: Roger agreed to prepare a brief list of questions to ask all candidates which will be sent to our members and posted on our website
7) Lakeland Conference: Thank you Don Benson for providing the information and registration forms for the Conference which were handed out today. We encourage you to attend to hear what Barry Devolin and Greg Bishop have to say about the Panel’s report It’s All About the Water. There is an abundance of very useful information available at the conference which runs from 9 to 3 on Saturday, September 27th, 2008 at Fleming College in Haliburton (which, by the way, is beautiful and worth a visit). Further information is available by email to The cost is $20 for one or two people for $35 which includes lunch. The CEWF will be an exhibitor there.
8) Comments & Suggestions from the Floor: Visitors from the Kawartha Lakes asked if there is any way they can participate in the CEWF effort. This is something the Advisory Committee needs to explore. It would certainly be a way of reaching out to others on the TSW issue. We really appreciate the interest shown by Mr. & Mrs. Ambler and thank them for taking the time to come out to learn more about the RAFT lakes.
The Advisory Committee was asked if it would consider sponsoring an all-candidates meeting in the Haliburton region for the Federal Election. Paul MacInnes offered to assist in the organization and funding of such a project. This will be investigated by the Advisory Committee (Roger Young) and we will report back.
Good, productive meeting. Thank you all.
Prepared by: Bonnie Fleischaker, CEWF Chair