TSW & CEWF In the News:

Of recent interest to all members:

  1. The CEWF AGM as covered by The Echo of Haliburton County:       http://www.haliburtonecho.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3305457
  2. The TSW as covered by Cottage Life (Oct 2011):  http://cottagelife.com/39961/environment/water-shorelines/trouble-on-the-trent-severn-waterway

And remember – the Ontario election Oct 6, 2011. Make sure you determine your candidates' positions on support for updated water management, and the TSW infrastructure. Ask the questions. Make your vote count.

Note: FOCA put out an excellent election guide aimed at cottage owners. For example, did you know you could choose to vote in your cottage riding to make a greater impact? Read here:
