Water Level Forecast – Sep 23, 2013

To view the 2-week water level forecast for the period Sep 23 – Oct 7, click here.

(to determine how much the water level is forecast to drop through this 2 week period, look under 'Target Differential')

Forecast Tracking – as of Sep 23

  • Forecast accuracy – not as good as in recent weeks (effects of the significant rainfall received): only 47% within 4", another 32% within 8", and 7 lakes with a forecast accuracy off by more than 8" (for detail, click here)
  • Average drawdown = 47%, progressing steadily overall (for detail, click here)

NOTE: Equal percentage drawdown is now giving way to achieving the TSW's winter set levels on each lake.
These levels vary considerably from lake to lake in terms of the percentage drawdown. In an average year the actual water level range varies from 19% (Horseshoe) to 90% (Little Glamor).
This is because while the winter log settings vary from 38% to 100% of drawdown capacity there are varying depths of water above the top log of each dam in winter.
From the drawdown table it can be seen that several lakes are already close to their year-end winter water level (e.g. Red Pine, Miskwabi, Halls).