Trent-Severn Waterway and Peterborough Lift Lock National Historic Sites Management Plan has been Finalized
In December 2022 the Final version of the Trent-Severn Waterway and Peterborough Lift Lock National Historic Sites Management Plan was approved by The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, and then Tabled in Parliament. The Plan is available on the Parks Canada website at: The plan is intended to cover the next 10 years. A PDF version of the report is available on our site – click here.
The CEWF Executive Committee is pleased to see the final plan which recognizes the significance of the reservoir area, and sets out future directions to address important issues facing the entire TSW system.
CEWF Engagement in the Plan Process
The process for the Plan development included an extensive program of public consultation beginning in 2019, and CEWF participated in all stages representing the interests of the reservoir and flow through lakes in Haliburton and northern Peterborough Counties. In 2019 a series of five stakeholder engagement workshops were held at different locations in the watershed, including one session in Haliburton. CEWF Executive Committee had representatives participate in each of the sessions.
In Spring 2022 CEWF Executive Committee was invited to participate in a Virtual Stakeholder Session with the TSW Planning Team where we were able to represent the interests of the reservoir area. In particular we emphasized the need for ‘integrated water management at the watershed level’. Following this session, the CEWF Executive Committee submitted a written brief to the planning team which was subsequently endorsed by the five municipal councils of the municipalities in Haliburton and northern Peterborough Counties covering the reservoir area.
In May and June of 2022 four virtual public consultation sessions were held, and again the CEWF Executive Committee had representatives participate in each.
In addition, online consultation was available through the TSW website, and CEWF encouraged our member associations and their members to participate through written comments.
A full report on the consultation process was published by TSW in September 2022 – click here.