October 1st Drawdown Forecast Now Available

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TSW Releases Drawdown Forecast October 1st 2024

The TSW has confirmed that this will be the last of the draw down forecasts for this year. Most if not all of the dams on the lakes are now at their winter set levels. The water levels should all settle in for the winter by the 15th of October. This does not mean that the lakes will remain steady as they will now be subject to mother nature. Larger rain events may see temporary level rises; however, it is important to note that there will be little to no intervention on the part of the TSW, unless there is a major weather event. In the event of an extraordinary circumstance we will be releasing statement through out the off season to keep everybody informed as to the water management of our lakes as per the information we get from the TSW. If you have questions or concerns we can be reached year round via email at cewfca@gmail.com