Summary of CEWF Annual Communications Meeting, September 7, 2024, in Minden
On Saturday, September 7, 2024, the CEWF held its Annual Communications Meeting at the Highland Hills United Church in Minden.
New this year was opening the meeting to any lake association member as opposed to specific representatives, as well as providing a virtual option via Zoom. There was increased attendance both in person and online.
The agenda can be accessed by clicking [here]
The CEWF Executive Committee was present, as was the TSW Water Management Manager from Parks Canada.
CEWF Chair Ted Spence welcomed everyone to the meeting. He presented the CEWF’s perspective on the year’s water management of the reservoir lakes. He provided detailed information on the drier-than-normal conditions from Sept 2023 to March 2024, a warmer-than- normal winter, with a snowpack less than 50% of normal. These conditions required the TSW to begin adding logs in late February, a month earlier than normal. Subsequent above-normal precipitation required continued active log management. Overall, there was excellent water management by the TSW this past season, and most lakes remained at more than acceptable levels throughout the summer of 2024.
Ted's slide show can be viewed by clicking [here]
Ted Spence was followed by Anna Ciorap, TSW Water Management Manager, who provided more detail on the variety and detail of data that lead to the log manipulation actions referred. This allowed all lakes to rise to normal levels in the spring, with some higher levels not creating any flood conditions. There were several questions of Anna Ciorap from both in-person and online attendees.
Anna's Presentation can be viewed [here]
David Britton, the Director of Ontario Waterways for Parks Canada gave his presentation virtually. He reviewed the current capital and infrastructure projects for the reservoir lakes, as well as looking forward on the TSW’s plans in the next year arising from the 10 Year Management Plan. Again, there were some questions raised and answered.
David's Power Point presentation is available by clicking [here]
Ted Spence provided an overview of CEWF’s activities from the past year with emphasis on the benefit of CEWF’s direct communications with the TSW. Ted Spence also touched on ongoing interaction with CEWF’s members particularly around understanding that all lakes are not the same.
Executive Committee member Carol Moffatt provided an overview of CEWF’s enhanced communications plans with an emphasis on encouraging members to subscribe to e-alerts. Executive Committee member Geoff Byford spoke to the extensive and detailed work CEWF has done on behalf of members in relation to the County of Haliburton’s Flood Plain Mapping project. Roger Cunningham, CEWF’s Secretary/Treasurer presented the financial status of the CEWF.
Click [here] to see a summary of our work plan
The meeting ended with closing comments from Chair Ted Spence thanking Anna Ciorap, David Britton, and all lake association attendees.